Joo Ji Hoon isn't ready for marriage yet

Article: Joo Ji Hoon, "Marriage? I don't have it in me to handle such a big responsibility yet"

Source: Ilgan Sports via Naver

1. [+1,444, -39] This couple has been making it awfully obvious that they're in a rut lately ㅋㅋ

2. [+1,354, -33] Sounds like he broke up with Gain... good ㅎㅎ

3. [+469, -4] He's so honest and straightforward. Sounds like he doesn't want to marry Gain.

4. [+416, -10] What does that make his girlfriend if he answers like this when he's in a relationship?

5. [+392, -22] I'd understand if some kid in college said this but this makes him so unlikable ㅋㅋㅋ no wonder he did drugs..

6. [+362, -10] I wonder what it'd feel like for Gain to have to read this in the news... I'd break up with him if I were her

7. [+344, -13] He really does seem irresponsible considering how he handled the army

8. [+287, -5] 100% sounds like they broke up recently

9. [+290, -9] Makes me feel bad for Gain

10. [+245, -4] Gain: *trembling*

11. [+169, -8] Shouldn't he be saying this stuff when he's single?... This feels a bit wrong

12. [+218, -63] Yeah, marrying Gain does seem like a bit of a stretch. She doesn't seem like the type to stay home and take care of the household.
