Jo Kwon reveals he's in a relationship

Article: Jo Kwon, "I am currently have positive feelings with someone I'm dating" [pictorial]

Source: X Sports News via Naver

1. [+1,940, -38] Hul, really? Have a happy relationship...

2. [+1,341, -37] Hul??? I wonder if they're a non-celebrity

3. [+1,241, -60] Wouldn't be able to let Jo Kwon go "even if I die"

4. [+1,555, -631] So are they a woman or a man, that's the important question

5. [+226, -87] ...Why do I feel like they're a man;

6. [+127, -5] Why do people have a hard time believing he's been single since 27? I'm 29 and still single ㅜㅜ

7. [+168, -79] I'm gay so I can usually tell when another man is or not by their actions or how they carry themselves and I think Jo Kwon's just a feminine man. He's not gay. There are signs that we recognize ㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+76, -5] Hul daebak, seems most of the second generation idols are in a relationship lately


Source: Nate

1. [+191, -18] He could be dating a girl, why treat him like he's gay without knowing?

2. [+96, -90] Probably not female

3. [+91, -8] Well he is 27 years old now, it is time ot be dating..

4. [+58, -53] He never specificed that they're a woman

5. [+24, -5] The comments here are crazy ㅡㅡ

6. [+15, -4] Who cares if he's dating a man or a woman, it's his life

7. [+12, -3] Why is it that every article about Jo Kwon is filled with talks about him being gay. is there proof or what?

8. [+10, -4] I hate the best replies ㅡㅡ look at them cornering him into being gay all off of a few suspicions. Don't start rumors unless you have facts.
