Crown J prepares for comeback after 5 years of reflection for marijuana scandal

Article: Crown J to make comeback after 5 years of reflection for marijuana

Source: X Sports News via Naver

1. [+7,028, -74] He got Seo In Young up there in fame but dropped himself to the dumps

2. [+5,238, -195] The TV is just filled with criminals nowadays ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+5,306, -572] If GD's allowed to be on TV, then most criminals should be allowed to too...

4. [+3,433, -185] Not like he was thaaat popular before his marijuana scandal anyway...

5. [+733, -37] I think we should let him go if he reflected for 5 years.. he also gave up his US citizenship and voluntarily enlisted in the army. He gained an opportunity for at least one shield from hate.

6. [+533, -43] 5 years is a lot considering there's one on TV who hasn't even reflected at all

7. [+406, -26] 5 years is more than enough ㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+410, -37] Funny how GD never even reflected but Crown J still doesn't get nearly as much support because he's not as popular or has as many fans even with a period of reflection ㅋㅋㅋ I pity him, 5 years.. he reflected longer than most celebrities.


Source: Nate

1. [+572, -42] 5 years is a lot. Those Family kids are promoting just fine after  marijuana and drug smuggling scandals.

2. [+473, -29] I really liked the ant couple with Crown J and still watch some reruns. Please don't do marijuana anymore and show a great image in your promos~!!

3. [+409, -17] He enlisted in the army even when he didn't have to

4. [+31, -0] He had an American citizenship but gave it up and voluntarily enlisted. He's the complete opposite of Yoo Seung Jun.

5. [+25, -1] GD: What is reflection?

6. [+22, -1] GD and Park Bbong, I bet this is their first time even hearing of the word reflection..

7. [+21, -1] He's one of the rare hip hoppers who has completed his service so I support him.

8. [+16, -2] Crown J completed his service. Everything else is irrelevant.
