Crayon Pop features on 'Funny or Die'

Article: Crayon Pop stars on America's 'Funny or Die'... first Korean artists

Source: Mydaily via Naver

1. [+299, -77] You read the internet comments and it sounds like Crayon Pop is in the dumps but I guess they're not if they're landing gigs like this

2. [+221, -91] I wondered what it was and took a look and it was fun. Crayon Pop always provides bright fun.

3. [+182, -76] Do well, Yong Pop ㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+158, -84] Makes me miss the Bar Bar Bar craze ㅎㅎㅎ

5. [+138, -68] Get~ set, ready~!! Go!! Jumping! Jumping! Oh, everybody!

6. [+34, -10] Another instance where Naver comments don't always reflect reality. I thought Crayon Pop was done for after reading previous comments but they seem to actually be doing quite well.

7. [+31, -10] They're not your average idol so I can see why they'd get garner interest

8. [+34, -15] I wish they'd do well in America

9. [+18, -0] I wonder why Crayon Pop is doing so well in America and not Japan? (Since their concept is something the Japanese would like). They got invited to Lady Gaga's concert and everything. Their company isn't that big so is it the 'Bar Bar Bar' hit that's getting them all these opportunities? 'Bar Bar Bar' wasn't even that well known in America compared to Korea.. It's so weird.. and they're landing all these shows in America and such.
