Changing times show that son preference is less prevalent?

Article: Is giving birth to a son a must?

Source: E-Daily via Naver

Article talks about how changing times show that families prefer having daughters over sons when before it was the opposite. Sons often grow up to focus on their own families while daughters still keep a connection with their parents after getting married and starting their own families.

Running joke that mothers with first born daughters and second born sons are 'gold medalists', first born sons and second born daughters are 'silver medalists', and two sons are 'bronze medalists'.


1. [+738, -11] Not like you can control whether you give birth to a son or daughter, I'm grateful as long as the baby is born healthy

2. [+338, -63] It all depends on how you raise them. My mother-in-law has three sons but all of them are so filial to her that I'm jealous

3. [+280, -56] There are still a lot of moms who want to have sons out of obligation. I still hear a lot of moms say that they're glad they gave birth to a son and are going to stop trying now and some who are going to keep trying until they have a son, that's the majority~ There are also many who prefer daughters but there's the pressure of having a daughter-in-law continue your family line. Other than really conservative, old-fashioned fathers, many are also daughter babos... It's all personal preference. I don't think our generation is completely free of the son preference yet but I don't think it's right to force that belief on those who don't believe it.

4. [+317, -168] Daughters are the best!!! Especially in Korea...

5. [+136, -8] It all matters what kind of person the baby grows into, regardless of gender

6. [+102, -2] Preferring one or the other is barbaric. People should study how to raise a proper human being instead of worrying over the gender. How is it fair that the baby doesn't get to pick what parent he is born under but the parents are trying to pick what kind of baby they do get.

7. [+105, -4] A baby is precious regardless of gender, specially in a society where less and less people are getting married and having kids. Don't prefer sons, just love whoever your baby is born as ^^

8. [+149, -49] There are a lot of young moms still who prefer having sons. You can tell with the social stigma attached to telling a mother with a daughter to try having a son, it's seen as insensitive... whereas telling a mother who has a son to have a daughter is not a big deal. Even Kim Hee Sun said she cried for three days after giving birth to her daughter because she preferred a son.


Source: Nate

1. [+1,407, -140] I don't know about anything else but I find that as a woman gets older, it's better to have a daughter... doesn't matter how good your son is to you or how good your daughter-in-law is.. grandmas without daughters always look so lonely.

2. [+1,137, -202] Only have kids if you are financially stable enough to have them. Don't otherwise. But I often notice it's the poorer families that have the most kids...

3. [+1,046, -56] In our world nowadays, giving birth to sons means you have to work for the rest of your life... and giving birth to daughters means you have to be nervous for them all your life... the world is just dirty like that.

4. [+93, -11] Once you actually give birth to your own baby, you won't care whether it's a girl or boy. They're all precious and beautiful.

5. [+92, -38] I often notice that no matter how old a daughter gets, she's like her mom's friend and is often close with her dad but when a son gets a girlfriend or gets married, his familial connections end there. They rarely end up being friends with their dads. I can understand why parents would prefer daughters since they have to send sons off to the military and pay a lot to get them married off... considering the investments, they don't get much in return.

6. [+61, -21] If you tell a family with a son to try to have a daughter, they won't care... but tell a family with a daughter to try to have a son and they'll foam at the mouth. Even on TV, you never see people tell a family with a daughter to try to have a son too. It's all because the social stigma still exists of not having a son. Families can say they prefer daughters all they want but the social stigma of not having a son is still prevalent ㅋㅋㅋ
