Bangs or no bangs?

Article: "Cut or grow out?"... how girl groups style bangs

Dispatch via Nate [more pictures in source]

1. [+435, -24] They're pretty with or without bangs... but I generally find them prettier without bangs...!!!

2. [+348, -22] Pretty kids look better without bangs ㅠㅠ but Hyeri has a cuter look so she looks better with bangs

3. [+260, -14] Must be nice to be so pretty..

4. [+30, -2] Article shows how important a face is in finalizing the look of a hair

5. [+24, -2] I think they all look better without bangs ㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+24, -9] Krystal and Yoona look especially better without bangs!

7. [+21, -3] Cute faces like Hyeri and Taeyeon look better with bangs ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ

8. [+18, -1] With faces like that, you could shave them bald and they'd still be pretty ㅠㅠ

9. [+14, -1] Looks better without bangs

10. [+13, -2] Most important: a pretty face
