Yang Hyun Suk laughs about unfollow news, didn't think it'd be a big deal

Article: Yang Hyun Suk "Intention behind my unfollows? Nothing at all... did not think it would get attention" (laugh)

Source: Star News via Nate

1. [+431, -91] I noticed some comments that say Star Empire is a company that does their job but I actually think they're not compared to YG. If they were so good, they would've been able to hide Yewon's scandal but they got hate because they didn't ㅋㅋ and they're a company that hasn't been able to get groups like Jewelry, Nine Muses popular for years now, how can a company like that be successful with their media play to kill Jang Dong Min?? Even Yang Hyun Suk would laugh at that.

2. [+355, -18] It's probably his warning to them that if they screw up one more time, it's over them

3. [+228, -18] Everything's news worthy nowadays ㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+31, -2] He's always fast with responding to these types of news

5. [+25, -3] Isn't Seungri one of the Big Bang members who can't do anything for himself? Even his solo only got #1 because of his Big Bang title but he can barely even deliver his lyrics because of his lisp and unstable pronunciation.

6. [+21, -7] He's laughing in this situation?

7. [+20, -5] He can throw those two away though... actually, he should've thrown them away already

8. [+19, -2] He's saying his unfollow has no meaning?? Pretty sure he intentionally unfollowed them, just didn't think he'd get attention for it ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

9. [+18, -1] For a bastard this fast with replies, why's he always so slow with issues regarding actual scandals? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

10. [+15, -1] If he doesn't use Instagram that much like he claims, then isn't it easier to just leave your follows as they are because you don't look at your feed anyway? Why would he go through the troublesome process of pressing unfollow for them?
