New law says stars under 24 years old cannot star in alcohol CFs

Article: Won't be able to see IU on soju ads anymore

Source: Chosun Ilbo via Naver

New law passed that anyone under 24 years old and "celebrity and athlete stars who can influence youth/teens" cannot participate in advertisements for alcohol.

1. [+265, -16] This is such a useless law...

2. [+195, -16] Must've worked so hard to pass such a useless law ㅠㅠ

3. [+159, -10] Any adult over the age of 20 should be fine. People are nuts..

4. [+138, -10] Stop focusing on useless laws and strengthen the laws against criminals so that the people can live in peace. Figure out why our younger generation isn't getting married or having kids and start working on measures to fix it instead of worrying about your own wealth..

5. [+134, -49] I don't know what age has to do with it.. so I guess we'll be stuck seeing old women in ads now, tsk tsk.. The person who passed the law is a woman as well.. Such simple thinking to think that just saying no to everything will help anything at all.

6. [+25, -1] Might as well make the new legal age 24 too then. Korea's so good at focusing on useless laws..

7. [+28, -5] IU: Congresswoman, you don't like me, right?

8. [+17, -0] Instead of raising the age, how about you revamp the law so that anyone who drinks and does bad things under the influence gets tried the same whether teen or adult. Teens always get off easy for being young... it doesn't matter who advertises alcohol because anyone who is going to drink underage will do it regardless of who the star CF is. Make a law that makes people responsible for their actions.
