Ladies Code manager reaches a settlement with Eunbi and Rise's families

Article: [Exclusive] Ladies Code driver reaches a settlement with Eunbi and Rise's families... tearful apology

Source: Star News via Naver

1. [+18,501, -208] I don't think the manager is the only one to blame in this.

2. [+16,009, -134] I'm sure the manager is having a hard time too

3. [+14,216, -212] The manager is a victim too if you think about it ㅠㅠ I hope this doesn't happen again

4. [+9,428, -59] Find strength, everyone...

5. [+8,274, -56] I still can't believe it... I miss you, Rise, Eunbi ㅠ

6. [+1,059, -17] Managers are more tired than the artists. They're all pretty young too at 27-28 years old. I'm sure he wanted to rush the members there as fast as possible but it's such a sad life they're living. Still, a wrong is a wrong so I hope he atones for this for the rest of his life.

7. [+829, -24] Hard to fault the manager when it's the company who makes such murderous schedules to begin with

8. [+775, -14] The company is at bigger fault but everything gets put on the manager... sad situation for everyone.
