Ha Ji Won attends production conference with older sister

Article: Ha Ji Won with her beautiful older sister

Source: TV Daily via Nate

1. [+408, -18] I'm not going to say anything

2. [+220, -28] Ha Ji Won shaved her jaw... so all things considered, they do resemble each other

3. [+102, -6] ........I'm going to stay quiet..... I'm not going to say anything

4. [+26, -12] Now show us the beautiful sister

5. [+15, -1] Everyone stay quiet....

6. [+14, -5] All of the good genes went to one side....

7. [+11, -1] What's up with the comments. I think she's pretty for a non-celebrity in her forties;; her younger brother's handsome too. I think they have good genes in the family.

8. [+11, -4] I think her sister is pretty ㅋㅋ

9. [+10, -4] Considering her age and the fact that she isn't a celebrity, I think she's on the prettier side.

10. [+8, -2] Where is the beautiful sister........
