Big Bang releases 'Made' tour trailer

Article: Big Bang releases "Made" tour trailer

Naver Ent via Naver

1. [+849, -65] Looks more like a movie trailer ㅋㅋ Amazing

2. [+856, -91] #1 for sure.. looks really cool

3. [+717, -62] All I can say is daebak...

4. [+630, -67] Wow~ looking good, good good

5. [+577, -57] I want to hear their new song soon

6. [+477, -47] Finally they're coming out. I've been a male fan since their 'Lies' days and they're still around. I think they'll hit daebak again!

7. [+471, -47] Hul... hul...

8. [+441, -33] No way, this is really a teaser? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ YG's really amping it up
