Red Velvet releases comeback concept photos

Article: Red Velvet pre-releases 'Ice Cream Cake' on the 17th for first album

Source: TV Report via Naver

1. [+1,000, -76] Company should just focus on f(x)

2. [+918, -30] I don't get what Red Velvet's concept is. They do this and that but I personally think the cute concept works the best like happiness, booya!

3. [+650, -69] They look the same with their hair like that

4. [+541, -34] Why are they randomly five members...

5. [+374, -130] The title already sounds fail

6. [+71, -15] There are still so many people who can't tell their faces apart and SM goes and makes them all have the same hair color... ㅠㅠ There were some that differentiated them by their hair colors, now what? They've been turning them into twins since 'Be Natural' and it's so hard to tell them apart now. They need to come up with more different styles for them.

7. [+63, -11] I can't even tell the original members apart so I don't know who the new member is ㅜㅜㅜ Why make their hair the same like that ㅜㅜㅜ

8. [+55, -23] Their concept looks like f(x)'s Nu ABO

9. [+64, -31] I like them, they look unique

10. [+28, -1] This is a really important album for them... Looking forward to what color it'll be. I feel like the concept is in between SNSD and f(x) somewhere.
