[Pann] Choiza puts on some weight and grows out his mustache during hiatus

Pann: Choiza grew out his mustache while on hiatus...

1. [+208, -1] Why do my eyes keep going south... I shouldn't be like this..

2. [+117, -1] He looks gross

3. [+86, -8] Why aren't Sulli fans buying him a razor

4. [+52, -1] Hul but he really is big.. it sticks out ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+37, -0] Sulli has such unique tastes

6. [+36, -0] Gross... why would Sulli like this man...

7. [+31, -1] I remember someone said they saw him at a sauna and he had three legs

8. [+30, -0] He honestly looks like a grandpa... if he's dating a younger girl, shouldn't he be getting younger too? Why's he looking so aged

9. [+28, -1] Can't imagine how upset Sulli fans must feel knowing she's dating him...

10. [+23, -0] The best replies made me scroll back up to check
