Jung Jinhyung and Yang Hongsuk part ways with YG

Article: [Exclusive] 'iKON eliminated' Yang Hongsuk and Jung Jinhyung leave YG 'personal reasons'

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+142, -18] YG set out from the get go to have Jung Chanwoo in the group. They never had to care about Jung Jinhyung because he had a poor image even before the start of Mix & Match. As for Yang Hongsuk, despite being added in the middle, he had such a positive image and so many friends wrote accounts for him talking about how clean his past is so YG had to keep coming up with excuses saying he doesn't want it enough or he's not YG enough... then why even add him? They're the ones that chose him and then they go and say he's not YG enough. He gave up college for this for crying out loud, is he a joke to them? I know Chanwoo's a nice kid and worked hard but there are still a lot of upset 6B fans and YG doesn't seem to know that.

2. [+135, -12] It'd be daebak if Yang Hongsuk debuted, I love him

3. [+94, -11] Nevermind Jung Jinhyung since he's an iljin but Hongsuk too? ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ I was looking forward to Hongsuk's debut ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

4. [+19, -3] With Winner already out and iKON gearing up for debut, I can see why they wouldn't want to wait again for a debut date that's not even sure.

5. [+17, -3] I hope another company picks up Yang Hongsuk~~~

6. [+17, -1] YG said the eliminated team from WIN would be disbanded or regrouped but they came up with the idea of Mix & Match just to stick Jung Chanwoo somewhere. They should've just left Jung Chanwoo out.. too many overlapping vocals.

7. [+16, -1] YG's already released two boy groups, no way they'd release another one for the next 4-5 years... and they're only going to get older the longer they wait. It's best that they terminate contracts while they can and move on instead of wasting years as a trainee.

8. [+11, -1] I knew this would happen ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Public sentiment was so in their favor so YG knew they'd get hate if they threw them out so they held on to them for a few months before kicking them to the curb.
