Hyori personally gifted Hyosung her 'U Go Girl' outfit

Article: [Exclusive] Lee Hyori shows her junior love... Jun Hyosung "Thank you for gifting me your outfit"

Source: Star News via Naver

1. [+2,268, -99] Would've been no joke if Lee Hyori came out and performed it herself instead. She was amazing during U Go Girl.

2. [+1,667, -420] I personally want to see Hyuna perform it

3. [+1,365, -279] Unfortunate that Hyosung got wrapped up in that Ilbe stuff, she was so popular for her bagel looks..

4. [+651, -84] Their gums resemble each other ㅋ

5. [+661, -194] Hyosung looks pretty ㅎㅎ

6. [+82, -5] Hyosung looks like she gained weight again, look at her thighs;;

7. [+75, -13] Her back dancers have thinner legs than her ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ...

8. [+67, -20] That skirt is too small on her compared to her thighs

8. [+48, -5] Skirt's too small on you!!! Wear a size up!!
