Han Ye Seul shares couple pictures with Teddy

Article: Han Ye Seul ♥ Teddy, love-filled daily life

Ilgan Sports via Nate

1. [+152, -30] They put up all that fuss on Instagram now but when they break up, all the pictures will be deleted~~ ㅋㅋ It's always the kids who updated their relationship status everywhere like it was something to brag about that end up setting all their stuff to private when they break up ㅋㅋ

2. [+137, -19] She certainly looks happy after evading all those taxes and landing on some more wealth

3. [+93, -8] The pictures look like something out of a horror film..

4. [+15, -0] American citizen 1, American citizen 2

5. [+10, -3] Teddy still wears his hood over his hat ㅋㅋㅋ He was funny on Big Bang TV

6. [+9, -0] They were cute at first but they show off so much that it's annoying now

7. [+7, -1] Black haired foreigners

8. [+6, -0] Teddy's going to wear a hood over his hat at his wedding at this rate. It's so uncomfortable to look at.
