Girl group Laboum's manager and stylist get into a car accident

Article: Laboum suffers a car accident while returning from MV filming

Mydaily via Naver

1. [+3,435, -78] They could've ended up like Ladies Code... famous or not, I'm glad that nobody died.

2. [+2,298, -42] Hul... wishing them a speedy recovery ㅠㅠ

3. [+1,958, -39] Hul.. I don't know who they are but I hope people won't leave hate here ㅠㅠ

4. [+1,752, -42] Please practice safe driving! Laboum fighting!

5. [+1,588, -30] Fortunate that there weren't any big injuries ㅠㅠ

6. [+155, -15] Aren't these the kids that were laughing in the back during a Ladies Code part?

7. [+131, -20] These are the kids that were giggling and fooling around in the back during a Ladies Code memorial... how's the karma?

8. [+108, -4] I hope nothing like Ladies Code ever happens again. I miss you two so much, Eunbi and RiSe...

9. [+119, -16] These kids fooled around in the back when people were talking about Ladies Code

10. [+111, -18] Is this karma for them laughing in the back during Eunbi's memorial

11. [+95, -17] Oh, they're the kids who laughed in the back while a memorial for Ladies Code was being read. This is karma.

12. [+85, -14] It's those Laboum kids, the ones that were laughing during Eunbi's memorial

13. [+67, -4] Weren't they the ones laughing during Ladies Code memorial? Ironic how they get in the same situation
