Gain opens up about feeling lonely as she approaches her thirties

Article: Gain, "I'm getting lonelier now that I'm reaching my thirties, regardless of having a boyfriend"

Source: Mydaily via Naver

"Now that I'm reaching my thirties, I'm feeling lonelier and it's the type of loneliness I feel regardless of having a boyfriend."

1. [+5,314, -343] It's white day tomorrow and I'm going on my first blind date in two years!!! Please give me some support and good luck ^^

2. [+3,248, -59] She's right, I do often feel lonely at home regardless of whether I'm dating someone ㅠㅠ That loneliness just grows as I get older ㅠㅠㅠ

3. [+2,150, -51] I've been her fan since 'Hold the Line'... and she was in her early twenties then. Time flies fast seeing as she's talking about her thirties already.

4. [+2,107, -37] Then how lonely should I be since I don't even have a girlfriend...

5. [+358, -7] Sometimes I feel lonely, sometimes I feel comfortable being alone... I think that's just what life is. You think you know the answer but you then you don't..

6. [+325, -14] There are times like that ㅋㅋㅋ You're just lonely and having a lover doesn't even matter ㅜㅜ Women often feel like crawling in a cave at times

7. [+232, -16] I heard for men, it's their forties... for women, it's teir thirties where they feel lonely for no reason~

8. [+185, -5] Life is lonely for everyone... it's just the nature of being human. It only gets worse with age. There's an emptiness you feel that your friend, lover, or family can't fill. Life is just about learning to live with that loneliness.
