Chaeyeon says she'd like to get married to a Chinese man if the opportunity arises

Article: Chaeyeon "If the opportunity arises, I'd like to marry a Chinese man"

Source: Star News via Naver

1. [+1,418, -132] I read this as more like marry a Chinese chaebol man

2. [+570, -47] Probably would be better to meet a rich man than continue living life as a clown entertainer. You get tons of money if you divorce anyway.

3. [+552, -68] Comments are funny. People shouldn't act so high and mighty, who would reject a pretty woman or a rich man? ㅋ

4. [+102, -5] It's not always about chaebol or money. In Chinese culture, the woman holds the power in a marriage... so the man does the house chores and stuff and does whatever she wants.

5. [+114, -17] If you think about it, Chinese and Korean men look the same physically... so I don't think it'd be bad marrying a Chinese man since they do house chores too.

6. [+77, -3] Men in China and Taiwan do the dishes, cook, laundry, and other house chores. It's just how their culture works.

7. [+79, -5] Culturally, Chinese men are super nice to their wives and do everything for them. On the contrary, Japanese women are known for being good to men ㅋㅋㅋ I think Koreans are somewhere in the middle with a bit of individualism added in

8. [+58, -0] So she must be dating a Chinese man then
