Psy reads a tweet on "Celebrities Read Mean Tweets"

Article: Psy responds to mean tweet from international netizen, "Try it"

TV Daily via Nate

1. [+400, -34] Psy has overcome the worst of Korea's hateful commenters and served in the army for four years. As if he'd even bat an eyelash at such an amateur comment. ㅎㅎ

2. [+250, -16] The world is large with many psychos... I feel bad for people like that. While others are getting jobs, getting married, having kids, trash like him are having fun over writing a hateful comment.

3. [+12, -7] A Psy-like response

4. [+8, -4] I wish our country had something like "Celebrities Read Mean Tweets". It's so funny ㅋㅋ They read hateful comments but it also raises awareness.

5. [+6, -1] Psy's been trained by the netizens of a country who make celebrities commit suicide over their comments. He also served in the army twice. As if such an amateur comment has any effect on him.

6. [+4, -1] Foreign kids all use the same disses, they seem to have only so much they can express... Korean hateful comments are no joke.

7. [+3, -1] He served in the army twice, there's nothing he's afraid of probably ㅋ

8. [+3, -1] No country can live up to Korea's hateful commenters. If Koreans actually tried, they could make you want to commit suicide in a day.


Starts at 2:24ish.