'Ilbe fish cake' culprit's mother apologizes on behalf of her son

Article: 'Ilbe fish cake' culprit's mother "Genuinely apologize"

Source: Yonhap News via Nate

The mother met with families of the victims and wrote out a post of apology for her son's actions. "I was not a mother smart enough to meet you as fast as I could to apologize. I would like to genuinely apologize to the families of the victims, the Danwon High School students, and the entire nation currently mourning the Sewol Ferry accident. I am the mother of a foolish son but I want to take him and try to live a changed life. I have realized that the family must be upright for society to be healthy and will be taking this as an opportunity for my family to change."

1. [+455, -17] Once a member of Ilbe, he will forever be a member of Ilbe. People do not change. It is not wrong for someone to be dealt the consequences when needed. What is the point of catching these Ilbe members if they always get away like this? More than anything, the Ilbe member's apology made it sound like he was blaming a psychological condition than himself. Other Ilbe members who've been caught and let go by the law have returned to the site to brag about it.

2. [+440, -12] I find it impossible for the sane human brain to come up with the idea of expressing fish cakes as fish who ate the dead bodies of the students in the accident. Not only that, but he even went as far as to purchase a uniform and upload a picture for the sake of getting attention. This is not something that any sane human being can do. One cannot say that the parents are not at fault here for raising such a person to this point. The parents are just as hugely at fault.

3. [+401, -12] I knew this would happen. ㅋㅋ He cannot be forgiven. I hope he gets all of the attention he craved in jail.

4. [+34, -0] Stop letting him hide behind his mother and release his face to the public. What does his mother have anything to do with this?

5. [+31, -0] Love how Ilbe members hate on women all the time but they hide behind their mothers once caught.

6. [+30, -1] Your parents can beg all they want, no one's going to forgive you.

7. [+27, -1] The parents raised too big of a trash as a kid to say they have no blame in this. Just how exactly did they raise him that he came up with such an idea of ridiculing these dead students for attention? I don't want to say anything mean to the parents but they did the worst possible job. Reminds me of that counseling account of the older brother of a victim who finally burst out in tears because of this fool.
