Hollywood: Emma Watson

Article: Emma Watson, dating rumors with Prince Harry

TV Report via Naver

1. [+7,266, -64] She's definitely living up to the worth of her pretty face

2. [+6,452, -85] He's going to date every famous person in England at this rate

3. [+5,220, -137] There was a reason she shot the movie 'Harry' Potter

4. [+3,296, -66] Wing~~gardium! Leviosa!

5. [+959, -11] Rich, intelligent, pretty... it wouldn't be weird at all if all the princes in the world were in love with her

6. [+802, -22] I doubt she'd get married. She lacks nothing to voluntarily want to live such a restricted life in the royal family.

7. [+726, -21] I always thought she looked like a princess out of some fairy tale.


Source: Nate

1. [+319, -8] Damn, amazing of Emma

2. [+268, -12] Wow... but they match for some reason

3. [+228, -6] I wonder what it feels like to fall in love with a man who shares the same name as the movie that shot you to fame ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
