A Pink's Namjoo gets accepted to Sungkyunkwan University

Article: [Exclusive] A Pink Kim Namjoo gets accepted to Sungkyunkwan University!

Star News via Nate

1. [+259, -23] Daebak ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ What's wrong with Sungkyunkwan Uni? What a drop in quality, seriously

2. [+191, -10] She's a singer so tell me why she's majoring in acting and the arts?

3. [+168, -18] Shameless, really;;

4. [+23, -3] I don't get why celebrities insist on getting into schools when they only attend a few classes a semester; Sad to think of all the kids who lost their spots to celebrities.

5. [+23, -3] I feel bad for the kids who didn't get in. What a repeat every year.


Source: Naver

1. [+5,425, -267] This is not a university that just anyone is supposed to get into... stupid celebrity treatments, sigh...

2. [+5,097, -189] People only get into this school by studying out of their minds... Sungkyunkwan must really like their celebrities..

3. [+4,253, -147] How lucky of her, getting into college through special treatment and all

4. [+1,142, -36] Why did a singer get into an acting major

5. [+717, -52] Extremely pissed off as someone who got rejected from this school

6. [+643, -7] Poor Song Joong Ki, he got in on his own merits and studying hard but he's lumped in the same celebrity group as Krystal, Jiyoung, and Namjoo, who got in through special treatment ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+615, -21] So easy for them to get into college, eh~~??

8. [+587, -12] I'd be more understanding if she got into a singing major but acting...

9. [+519, -8] While others still get rejected after studying out of their minds, she gets in just for being a celebrity..
