Zhang Yuan receives complaints of putting students on backburner after becoming famous

Article: [Exclusive] Zhang Yuan found to have put students on the backburner after becoming famous

: 10asia via Naver

According to the academy Zhang Yuan works for, he's been skipping classes he's scheduled to teach and arriving over 20 minutes late which all of which began happening around the time he got famous off of 'Abnormal Summit'. The worst problem was when he was the most frequently absent around August through October, a time period where his students were preparing for their entrance exams and needed him the most.

1. [+21,572, -594] This is wrong, he shouldn't have done that no matter how famous he became

2. [+19,291, -509] Finally it's in the media... So much talk about it before

3. [+16,084, -634] Another one bites the dust...

4. [+14,112, -421] Foreigners on TV are such a hit or miss

5. [+3,317, -112] tsk tsk tsk, he should've quit like Daniel if he didn't think he could do both

6. [+3,071, -91] His job is to teach... He should be faithful to his job.

7. [+3,039, -98] "Zhang Yuan refused to give a statement to journalists due to his Korean not being fluent" ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+2,875, -93] He should've quit teaching if he's going to focus on broadcast.. what is he doing ㅋㅋ

9. [+2,453, -67] If he really did that in August through October, his students must've been so frustrated...

10. [+1,636, -84] He's obviously caught the celebrity disease after getting popular off of Abnormal Summit


Article: SM C&C reps say no comment to Zhang Yuan's work controversy

Source: News1 via Naver

1. [+268, -19] SM always gets into trouble when they bring in a Chinese... and yet they still contract more Chinese

2. [+211, -30] If even SM's keeping quiet about it, there's definitely something going on ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ bye bye

3. [+145, -17] It really does only take a moment for a career to be ruined..

4. [+148, -30] Where'd all his fans go? Why arent they shielding him

5. [+46, -3] He always talked about wanting to remain a teacher, just how much of a better offer did SM give him ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
