[Pann] If you became a celebrity...

Pann: What's something you want to do if you become a celebrity?

1. Walk the red carpet
2. Get hair & make up done professionally
3. Shoot CFs
4. Ride in celebrity vans
5. Guest on variety shows
6. Hold fan signings/fan meets
7. Shoot a pictorial

1. [+155, -2] Since celebrities make more than the average man once they get popular... I want to buy my parent's a home or a nice foreign car for my dad or a luxury bag for my mom.

2. [+142, -5] I want hair and make up celebrity style... idols all look so plain at first and then they magically turn into celebrities with a bit of make up.

3. [+95, -3] Hair + make up + outfits ㅜㅜ It'd be awesome to do nothing and have everyone doll you up

4. [+39, -0] I'm curious as to how it feels like standing on stage in front of tens of thousands of people

5. [+34, -2] I bet I could give fan service as good as IU ㅜㅜㅜ

6. [+28, -1] I want to feel for once what it's like having someone like me... ㅠㅠ

7. [+23, -0] I'd date a fellow celebrity of my ideal type

8. [+22, -0] I want to go on Running Man ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

9. [+20, -0] Become an actor and experience living different lives

10. [+17, -1] Screw everything else, I want a kiss scene with my favorite actor
