BoA hopes to get married in 5~6 years

Article: BoA, "Getting married in 5~6 years seems good.. I want to be a 'broad-minded' woman"

Source: Star News via Naver

1. [+2,742, -68] BoA's already 30 years old ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ She was a baby when she debuted...

2. [+2,328, -67] She took on such a huge burden at a young age so I hope she marries someone she can depend on and be happy with~~~

3. [+1,201, -52] Time flies..;;

4. [+257, -23] BoA's not that old guys ㅠㅠ she's the same age as Girl's Day's Sojin

5. [+225, -18] BoA doesn't even have to get married, what would she even benefit from... She was called a walking corporate body at after debuting at the age of 12. She probably has high standards and most average men won't even fulfill that. She probably has a lot saved up to live on her own anyway.

6. [+225, -31] Probably the only female artist to date that has sang completely live with the hardest dance moves

7. [+165, -22] I always feel like Sojin's so old but with BoA.. I don't know.. I still remember her as the girl who sang No. 1 and Moto

8. [+148, -19] I honestly think she's one of those celebrities who never ends up getting married. Not because she can't but because she'll probably always be looking for 'the one' and then run past her 'marriageable age' limit
