'Terminator 5' trailer unveils Lee Byung Hun

Article: 'Terminator 5' Lee Byung Hun unveiled... official trailer released

Mydaily via Naver

1. [+6,521, -334] He's enough of an antagonist in real life

2. [+3,596, -153] The Terminator Santa Claus Returns... with presents........

3. [+3,287, -394] Please be nice to Lee Min Jung...

4. [+611, -38] T-1000: What part of your body makes you horny when a man touches you?

5. [+467, -18] Talk about timing...

6. [+431, -26] Can we get Expert Lee Byung Hun to give his opinion on the Enes scandal? ㅋㅋ

7. [+466, -69] He makes me not want to watch it

8. [+408, -27] Does the Terminator prefer younger women too?

9. [+385, -50] The Korean release better have Lee Byung Hun edited out

10. [+309, -21] If only he didn't screw up, the comments all here would be like, "Now this is what I call a real world star! Proud!!"... Looks like this movie's slated for box office failure in Korea.


Source: Nate

1. [+507, -72] It's Santerminator

2. [+437, -109] When he can't even remember what he said in a Kakao Talk conversation, how can he even remember his lines for his role? ㅡㅡ;;;;

3. [+256, -150] Lee Santa
