Nescafe suffers the burden of Lee Byung Hun's scandal

Article: Lee Byun Hun's embarrassed, hidden under a Suzy sticker

Source: Star Today via Nate

To deal with the Lee Byung Hun scandal, Nescafe stuck Suzy stickers on the rest of their coffee stock and promised to have origianal Suzy products in the next batch.

1. [+354, -34] Conclusion: Any bag of coffee with a Suzy sticker on it is leftover stock.

2. [+271, -28] This is more of an embarrassment to Suzy.. they should've stuck a bigger sticker, it looks so dumb ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+29, -10] Suzy's really cute in the CF, such a sweet voice too

4. [+24, -5] Why are they using Suzy's sticker to cover something so dirty....

5. [+20, -4] Seems like a big fuck you to Lee Byung Hun with the way they used such a tiny sticker to leave it showing.

6. [+13, -4] Seems more like they're trying to save money by keeping the stock they have instead of taking back all of the Lee Byung Hun stock and replacing it with Suzy.

7. [+8, -3] All because of that Lee Santa, Nescafe can't even sell their leftovers.

8. [+7, -4] Suzy's basically picking up after Lee Byung Hun's shit

9. [+7, -2] Poor workers who had to stick the stickers on... all because of Lee Byung Hun
