Just how far does the media and the public have a right to knowing the private lives of celebrities?

Article: Does the public have a right to know or is it an invasion of privacy? The dilemma behind reporting on celebrity families

Source: No Cut News via Naver

1. [+1,008, -34] Totally an invasion of privacy~!! We have absolutely no right to know... Why should we care about someone's private life? The media needs to restrict themselves!!

2. [+835, -39] It's an invasion of privacy... Sure it's fun for us because it's talk about someone who isn't us.. but imagine if your own dirty laundry was being shown around your own neighborhood. Dispatch will pay the consequences sooner or later.

3. [+612, -21] Anything's bad in excess. Celebrities deserve to have a private life and obviously they'll have things they want to hide from the public.

4. [+104, -8] We don't have any right to know about the private life of anyone else.. It's an invasion! We don't get anything out of knowing about it while the celebrity families have to suffer for the rest of their lives. Journalists are better off spending their time investigating dirty deals in the government.

5. [+91, -7] It's a sensitive issue that's definitely an invasion of privacy. A child should not have to live with the entire nation knowing about his private life.. and the poor family that has to live with the pain of not being able to protect something they didn't want the public to know. Family matters are not something the industry should meddle in. The nation does not have any right to know just because they're a celebrity.

6. [+82, -0] As if the public has any right ㅡㅡ Imagine going to your neighbor's and nagging them to know about their personal family matters

7. [+72, -5] Celebrities themselves chose this career path so it will obviously come with consequences that they chose to deal with but their families should be left alone. It's an invasion no matter what.

8. [+56, -2] Since when did the family matters of a celebrity become something the entire nation had a right to know about?
