ladies code
Investigations reveal Ladies Code car was not the cause of the accident
Article: [Exclusive] Ladies Code's tire falling off after accident... not caused by fault of the car"
Source: Star News via Nate
1. [+764, -61] Of course! Hyundai produces nothing short of perfection! Cars with no flaws!
2. [+705, -52] And the blame game begins ㅋㅋ
3. [+289, -25] But isn't the fact alone that the tire popped out after a collision a fault in itself? Please, these companies have too much power...
4. [+23, -4] I knew Hyundai would deny it was their fault but I can't believe they actually went through with it. I hope you all fall in hell.
5. [+19, -5] So in summary, the driver was speeding in the rain and the car slipped and got into an accident. The driver claimed that the accident was caused by the tire popping out and netizens are sure that it's the fault of the car. Investigations, however, determined that there was no fault in the car but rather a mistake on the driver. Netizens refuse to believe it and are coming up with conspiracy theories now.
Source: Naver
1. [+11,254, -873] The car did not kill them... their rushed schedule did.
2. [+9,620, -200] This is not only an issue that concerns Ladies Code but all of the idols who still speed to get to schedules. There's no saying an accident like this won't occur again. Greedy agencies need to stop pushing kids to work this hard...
3. [+7,175, -142] Can't imagine how the manager's feeling. If the tire popping out is not the fault of the car, then the blame goes to him... He'll probably blame himself for the loss of two lives he considered family. I'm worried over how hard he's taking it. I hope he doesn't get bad thoughts and he lives harder with the remaining three.
4. [+821, -135] Anyone driving on the highway knows that 130 is not speeding.......;
5. [+802, -157] So speeding was the issue? What kind of a car loses balance just for going 130?
6. [+604, -71] Why don't they investigate why the airbag didn't go off either? RiSe wouldn't have died if the airbag at least went off.
7. [+501, -46] Of course, large companies are never at fault...