SECRET releases comeback teaser for "I'm In Love"

Article: SECRET, the masters of the chic sexy charm

Source: Mydaily via Naver

1. [+1,746, -49] SECRET doesn't match those cutesy children's song sounding songs, they match super cheap sounding aerobic songs like Magic and Madonna

2. [+987, -59] Jun Hyosung, stop losing weight. Your healthy look (to put it nicely) is your charm. I don't want to see another stick skinny elementary student body like the other celebrities.

3. [+729, -49] Jun Hyosung got so thin ㅜㅜ

4. [+682, -143] They're a lot better than I thought....

5. [+608, -91] Hul, what is this.. it sounds great!! Looking forward to it

6. [+112, -11] SECRET has a lot of great songs... Magic, Madonna, Love is Move are all exciting songs to listen to even today ㅋㅋㅋ I want another song like that

7. [+93, -12] Hyosung, please go back to your Madonna days, those were your best days

8. [+84, -13] Jieun and Sunhwa are so pretty
