[Pann] App provides new methods of stalking

Pann: As if this is necessary...

No more hearing "I ran out of batteries!" Experience 'Plugger', the app that shows you the phone batteries of your friends as well as charging stations nearby.

1. [+95, -0] This gives me goose bumps

2. [+70, -0] From KakaoTalk message indicators to Facebook online statuses, there's just too many things that make people suspect the worst of each other. There's no privacy anymore and it's uncomfortable... Sometimes I just want to chill on my own without answering Kakao messages ㅜㅜㅜㅜ

3. [+56, -0] Are they trying to raise bullying and suicide rates? Think of the negative aspects of knowing information like this ㅠㅠ

4. [+29, -0] I remember someone asked me why I don't have a Facebook or Twitter and they told me to stop acting so mysterious.

5. [+24, -0] Why do I have to know how much batteries someone else has...

6. [+23, -0] The app better have a way to set your batteries to private. Like Facebook.. I don't want people to know that I'm online but it does it for me anyway.

7. [+19, -0] I wonder if batteries are only viewable upon friend request or if it just shows everyone's? If it's the latter, the app is crazy and is an invasion of privacy. Why should anyone have the right to know my battery status? Why does it feel like there are more and more eyes looking at us in this world...

8. [+6, -0] I really hate it when people nag at you for responding to KakaoTalk late and start accusing you of ignoring them when you don't reply for 2-3 hours ㅋㅋ

9. [+5, -0] I refuse to be friends with anyone who uses such an app
