miss A group up for the first time in a while

Article: miss A groups up for the first time in a while... 'upgraded beauties' shown off

Source: OSEN via Naver

1. [+4,145, -382] Hul, why is Fei so pretty?????

2. [+4,033, -335] Suzy's pretty and all but I wish they'd promote the other members..

3. [+3,724, -382] Jia and Fei are so pretty.. They're hidden beauties ㅠㅠㅠ Please take notice of them

4. [+3,527, -746] I'm sure the older crowd favors Fei over Suzy

5. [+2,708, -200] JYP works Suzy so hard, I feel bad for her

6. [+1,799, -190] I bet Suzy will leave the group soon. She's been doing solo work for years now, do they even have a CF they shot together at all?

7. [+1,533, -173] Hul, Fei's so pretty...

8. [+1,280, -152] Suzy's the best in this picture but I love Fei and Jia too ㅠㅠㅠ Kkap Min is jjang jjang

9. [+1,213, -144] Fei's face is so charming~~~~!!!

10. [+1,276, -217] My eyes inevitably go to Suzy, she's just so pretty
