Hong Suk Chun claims many celebrities visit his restaurant for private dates

Article: Hong Suk Chun "Celebrities come to my restaurant to go on private dates, I'll let them have an entire floor depending on their level"

Source: Sports Chosun via Nate

1. [+505, -14] So does he close his store when his boyfriend comes

2. [+279, -14] I bet journalists will camp his store now

3. [+178, -122] I want to date Suk Chun hyung...

4. [+37, -9] Dispatch: Thank you for the information.

5. [+17, -2] Is it okay for him to say that publicly? I bet celebrities will go there less for private dates... He's basically inviting journalists to camp his store even if he lets celebrities take an entire floor to their own.

6. [+11, -1] Feel bad for the celebrities (who are lower level) who bring their s/o and not get the floor to themselves
