Cube to take legal action against leak of B2ST's new album

Article: Cube takes legal action against person responsible for leaking B2ST's new album

Yonhap News via Nave

1. [+1,336, -78] Go hard on them so that others don't even dare try this again. What a blow to something they worked so hard on.

2. [+940, -47] Why do people bother leaking things?

3. [+682, -45] Is there even a case that exists where a person actually was caught and taken to court?

4. [+173, -10] Can't believe this happened to B2ST. They're going through with investigations because of rumors claiming it to be noise marketing and I'm sure they're doing it with a heavy heart. I hope their investigations go smoothly and are able to recover what they lost.

5. [+102, -7] Three days before the digital release, the songs were leaked on Twitter and 4shared. Fans knew but kept it quiet in case more was leaked.

6. [+102, -9] To all the people claiming media play;;; When 'No More' was first released, their entire album aside from two songs was leaked on 4Shared that fans found. Non-fans had no idea because fans kept it quiet this whole time. Fans were so careful that it wasn't spread around in case people accused media play.

7. [+94, -9] Kind of cool that fans made sure it wasn't spread around

8. [+79, -8] It's not media play, it was up on YouTube ㅋㅋㅋ Fans reported it, didn't listen to it, and kept quiet about it so that it wouldn't spread around
