Article: 'Big Man' Choi Daniel has finally returned

X Sports News via Naver

1. [+648, -12] In the preview, it looked like he had anger management issues... where he explodes whether he intends to or not. It was scary how he started screaming and crying when So Mira didn't accept his proposal;;; he's a gentleman on the outside... but I feel like he'd physically abuse So Mira when they get married later;; Ji Hyuk's way better than someone like that since he's the same inside and out..

2. [+567, -25] I like Choi Daniel ㅋㅋㅋ Even if they call him old looking for his age, he's still handsome!!!

3. [+465, -12] I have a feeling Kang Ji Hyuk put alcohol in for real

4. [+353, -17] Hiya, Choi Daniel~ Looks good in glasses ㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+325, -11] The caps alone make me feel like he could also play the psychopath role in Kapdong quite well too

6. [+88, -3] It'd be funny if Kang Ji Hwan ended up being the real son of the chairman in the end

7. [+86, -9] I enjoy this more than Doctor Stranger

8. [+77, -1] Choi Daniel's smile looks psychopathic in one drama and amazing in another... he totally plays up to his character ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
