Park Tae Hwan and Brave Girls' Yejin dating?

Article: Park Tae Hwan - Brave Girls Yejin's dating rumors... what are the proofs on SNS?

Herald News via Nate

1. [+993, -7] They were pretty much public with their relationship, why deny it?;;;; Or did they break up now?

2. [+785, -10] I can see how matching clothes or rings are deniable but you can't deny handmade products like that;;;;;;;;

3. [+692, -5] This is pretty much confirmed;;;;;;;;;;;;

4. [+98, -0] They were so public with it, sorry for not noticing earlier;;;;;

5. [+62, -0] They're like saying "we're dating, please notice us!" ㅋ

6. [+52, -1] He shouldn't date a celebrity ㅋ but I guess there's something that always pulls athletes and celebrities together ㅋ

7. [+40, -0] Don't even need Dispatch for this~


Article: Brave Girls Yejin reps, "Dating Park Tae Hwan? Unfounded rumors"

Star News via Nate

1. [+231, -2] It's so obvious they're dating. Either they're denying it until the end or they already broke up.

2. [+209, -4] Maybe they already broke up

3. [+131, -4] Just admit it... It seemed they really wanted to go public with it.

4. [+16, -2] There is so much picture proof ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I bet they broke up but Yejin's reps are just noise marketing...

5. [+11, -1] They seemed to want to go public, just admit it and have a nice relationship ㅎㅎㅎㅎ

6. [+10, -0] How're they going to deny the pasta plate and pepero pictures? Not only is the pasta and the dish the same but the exact position of the noodles as well.
