2PM's Junho cast in movie 'Twenty' as Kim Woo Bin's friend

Article: [Exclusive] 2PM Junho cast in 'Twenty'... as Kim Woo Bin's friend

News 24 via Naver

1. [+474, -46] JYP kids are rather good at acting ㅋ excluding Im Seul Ong.. ㅠㅠ ㅋㅋ

2. [+436, -29] Squirrel ㅋㅋㅋ I liked him as squirrel

3. [+356, -22] He was good in 'Cold Eyes', squirrel

4. [+300, -18] The squirrel has returned!!!!!!

5. [+290, -21] I enjoyed his acting in 'Cold Eyes'... but his he-height... next to Kim Woo Bin as his friend... uh.. nevermind!! Fighting!

6. [+190, -17] Squirrel will do well~~

7. [+119, -12] He did quite well in 'Cold Eyes'

8. [+148, -18] The squirrel, the squirrel has returned
