TV: [Spoilers!!!] God's Gift

Article: God's Gift, the mission to find the culprit tires the viewers

Star News via Naver

1. [+1,255, -38] Every episode seems more like an obsession with reversals.

2. [+947, -23] There needs to be a balance between the carrot and the stick but... this drama just whips you.

3. [+865, -62] Yeah... I am getting tired of it.

4. [+675, -61] The first and second episodes were the best in terms of focus... but I still think it's fun. I watched at first for Lee Bo Young's acting but now it's Jo Seung Woo... I'm a fan now.

5. [+267, -22] There are so many things wrong with this drama, like the director's inability to express details and the scriptwriter's lack of realistic elements.

6. [+245, -13] I feel like the plot is trying to cover too much at once so it's all being mixed up now;;; It's too hard to follow.

7. [+233, -18] It's been a while since I grew tired of it... the scriptwriter craeted such weird characters. The parents give in to the child until the child doesn't get what she wants and leaves to cause trouble every single episode. All they have to do is raise their child properly for most of these problems to be fixed.

8. [+228, -14] Tired of the story but not tired of Jo Seung Woo... ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
