Victoria attends press conference for her Chinese drama

Article: [Exclusive] f(x) Victoria's cute and happy  private detective look

TV Report via Naver

1. [+168, -3] What is up with her make up;;;

2. [+139, -6] Wow, I always thought it was hard to find a picture of Victoria where she looks bad but... it must be the make up; ㅠ

3. [+101, -5] Why would they do that to such a pretty face?..

4. [+84, -3] What is this make up... why do this to a pretty kid.. ㅜ

5. [+40, -2] Omo..........

6. [+35, -2] Mommy.........

7. [+31, -1] Thought she was some Chinese opera actress

8. [+20, -2] What an unflattering picture~~~ ㅡㅡ;;;
