SNSD releases 'Mr. Mr.' music video

Article: SNSD releases 'Mr. Mr.', the return of the mystery girl... chic

Source: Mydaily via Naver

1. [+1,439, -237] Give us the dance version, there were barely any cuts of the girls dancing

2. [+1,350, -165] This is the most you could do with SNSD? ㅠ.ㅠ

3. [+1,364, -247] SM is so bad... It's like giving a chef the best ingredients and this is the best he could come up with. Still, the music video's okay and the concept is so pretty.

4. [+1,460, -526] I love this manish concept!! I hope to see it on TV soon~

5. [+1,423, -593] I like the music video quality. Hopefully this records a high view count like I Got a Boy too!

6. [+1,089, -279] I like the highlight choreography with the fedora ㅠㅠ I hope there's a dance version

7. [+848, -275] Wow, the choreography is daebak. SM should've given SNSD dances like this all along!

8. [+767, -223] So much better than the stripping sexy concepts. This is so modern and mature looking! jjang jjang
