Separated North and South Korean families meet for the first time in 60 years

Article: "Let's meet in heaven again"... Separated families say farewell once again

Source: Yonhap News via Nate

Families separated by the North and South Korean border were able to meet over a four day period for the first time in three years and four months.

The families, most of which were meeting for the first time in 60 years, said their farewells on the 22nd. Eighty-eight participated from North Korea and 357 participated from South Korea.

A South Korean daughter (61) said to her North Korean father (87), "You have to live long so that we can see each other again." The father said back, "I'm sure they will allow us to meet again. Let's see each other then."

A North Korean brother (88) met his three younger south Korean sisters (80), (75), and (68). He cried, asking them, "Come with me, come live with me." The dongsengs said back, "Our oppa, how can we live while missing our oppa. We'll see you when the country is unified."

Older North Korean brother (88) also met his two younger South Korean sisters (80) and (74) and said, "I no longer have any wishes now that I have seen you. You must stay alive until the next time we meet."

North Korean younger brother (83) said to his South Korean older sister (94), "Nuna, when will I see you again. Stay healthy. Live long."

Standing outside the bus taking his North Korean older brother (85) away, another South Korean brother (78) said, "Let's meet in heaven. I love you."


1. [+933, -16] What right do these government officials have to be separating families like this... Why can't they live where they want...

2. [+583, -5] To think that families can't be together... even if the government breaks their promise on anything else, I hope that they will continue to solve the issue of separated families. How painful it must be for them.. ㅠㅠ

3. [+489, -4] Let's meet again in heaven... that breaks my heart... I'm glad that they were at least able to meet once even if it took decades. I hope they live healthily and without worries!

4. [+99, -1] Their faces are wrinkled and their hairs are white... These separated families have become grandmas and grandpas... To think that they were once young, unwrinkled faces, who had to wait 60 long years to meet their families again... only to promise to meet again knowing that there is no promise... My eyes are so red. To think that the next time they meet, it will have to be in heaven... That's so sad.

5. [+97, -4] 10 years ago, they had hope... They said to each other that they would meet once the country is reunified... but now they are saying they will meet again in heaven... The losses we will suffer from reunifying should not outweigh the emotional pain they are suffering. Our future is so dark.

6. [+75, -2] My heart breaks at them saying let's meet in heaven...

7. [+66, -1] One of the saddest things I've read recently... let's meet in heaven... I'm embarrassed that I get to live a comfortable, worry-free life. I hope the elderly are happy and healthy. Live long so you can meet again..

8. [+66, -2] To meet again... in heaven.......
