TV: Viewers oppose Kim Jin Pyo's 'Dad' casting

Article: Kim Jin Pyo's casting controversy, 'Dad' viewer board flooded with posts protesting his casting... why?

Sports Chosun via Nate

He used an Ilbe word 'unji' on 'Top Gear Korea', wrote diss lyrics about the late president with Cho PD on the song 'Dr. No Therapy', and made an offensive hand signal on 'Top Gear Korea' again.

1. [+2,092, -156] Viewers have every right to be concerned. They've been watching over these kids for all this time and they're coming back for season two so of course people are concerned that they'll be exposed to bad things. The fathers we've known haven't been as rock bottom as this guy.

2. [+2,040, -173] People are all concerned about the kids and the influence they'll receive around him. Kim Jin Pyo can deny these accusations all he wants but he said that Ilbe word. There is already a movement among mother communities opposing his casting and I, too, will become a strong anti of the show if they cast him. MBC cannot be taking this lightly as there are a lot of people starting a boycott on the show over this. They need to pay attention to the media and take responsibility for this.

3. [+1,759, -132] I'm worried about the kids.... What if Kim Jin Pyo makes a mistake subconsciously... Sigh~ This is a family program, I'm really worried for the show...

4. [+129, -18] Kim Jin Pyo needs to voluntarily leave the casting. From swearing to snide remarks about the late president, he is not a fit for the show. Don't think of recycling your image through this show. I heard the PD changed for the new season... I'm so disappointed in the decisions they've been making so far.

5. [+128, -14] Why isn't the show doing anything about it when reactions are this bad?


Kim Jin Pyo 'Dad' controversy, clarifies "I'm scared people are misunderstanding this as my attempt at recycling my image"

Newsen via Nate

1. [+2,501, -175] It'd be so perfect if it was only Kim Sung Joo, Sung Dong Il, Yoon Min Soo, Sean, Ryu Seung Ryong, and Yoo Jun Sang.

2. [+2,338, -169] You cannot expect to cover the sky with just your bare hand. Don't take the casting offer.

3. [+2,266, -186] If you're sory, leave the show voluntarily ㅡㅡ


Article: 'Dad' producers close their ears to Kim Jin Pyo's casting controversy

Mediaus via Nate

1. [+654, -46] Please just take him out. Nobody wants to see him, why insist on keeping him on the show? If the producers don't want season two to fail, please take him off the show.

2. [+667, -92] The president ignores the citizens, the 'Dad' PD ignores the viewers. Until when do they think they can use their power like this without their viewer ratings suffering?

3. [+699, -42] Well this show is bound for failure. This is way past the point of noise marketing now. tsk tsk tsk.
