Restaurants take on 'prepaid meal' charity for the hungry

Article: "Don't starve, I prepaid this meal for you"

Source: No Cut News via Nate

A new trend rising in Korea right now is prepaid restaurants where customers can pay extra after their meal so that the less fortunate can come in for a free meal. There are over 100 participating restaurants across the country including cafes, bakeries, and even hair salons.

An interview with one participating restaurant owner revealed that he decided to take part in the project after grandmas who rely on picking up recyclable trash for a living came in to the restaurant to ask how much a bowl of noodles cost ($2) and had to turn around because they couldn't afford it. Most of his customers are elderly who pick up trash for a living or elderly who live alone. Students usually pay an extra $2 while some anonymous will pay up to $30 extra.

1. [+767, -16] All of you district representatives should use at least 10% of the money you use for international vacations on things like this.

2. [+504, -7] Although this is touching to read, it also breaks my heart ㅜㅜ I wonder if there's a place like this in Bucheon. I'd love to prepay someone's meal. They can't afford a $2 bowl of noodles...ㅜㅜ

3. [+289, -1] What a heartwarming article to start the day with

4. [+14, -1] It's good to hear that even young students pay extra, shows that there is still hope in our youth. I also saw an elderly hauling a cart for picking up trash in my neighborhood and saw a bunch of rowdy looking students on motorcycles follow her down a path. I assumed ill of them but it looked like they were just watching out for her. Some even got off and hauled the cart for her while a few others discussed how they could tie it to their motorcycle and haul it that way. I felt pathetic for judging them. They may look like bad kids but their actions are more pure than most adults.

5. [+13, -5] I bet an Ilbe user will soon put up a proof picture saying he got free food... unemployed Ilbe bugs wouldn't dare lose a chance like this.
