JYP plans to debut a six member girl group next year

Article: [Exclusive] JYP to release a new girl group with outstanding beauty... 'six member group for the first half of next year'

Source: Star News via Nate

1. [+523, -65] What makes them think they can put out another girl group after failing the Wonder Girls and not even being able to properly support miss A ㅋㅋ

2. [+296, -71] JYP will still always be known for Suzy

3. [+223, -23] Do something about the Wonder Girls.. at least release a final album. It's so upsetting as a fan to see them up in the air like this.


Source: Naver

1. [+2,317, -135] How about you worry about the teams you have???

2. [+1,842, -118] What does JYP have left for them other than Suzy... Sad..

3. [+1,590, -61] What does that make your other artists? ㅋㅋ Sigh

4. [+891, -101] Is he going to use SNSD for media play again

5. [+325, -20] I feel bad for that Jimin kid... I don't even remember what group she's in
