North Korea's First Lady spotlighted for her fashion sense (among other things)

Article: 'Porn scandal' Ri Sol Ju, she's actually a luxury brand fanatic?

Source: Money Today via Nate

Kim Jong Un's first lady Ri Sol Ju was recently in a scandal where rumors spread about her being in a porno. Kim Jong Un killed nine people involved with the rumors.

"Born in 1989, Ri Sol Ju graduated from a prestigious junior high school and was a popular singer before getting married to Kim Jong Un. North Koreans loved her fashion style and often tried to copy it, creating knock offs of her Chanel outfits. Her Christian Dior bags and Tiffany necklaces became a trend among the upper class women of North Korea."

1. [+665, -25] While their country is starving to death, they only care about keeping their own bellies full... Forget about the people eating grass to survive, they're wasting their money on luxury brands. Such trash.

2. [+436, -17] Jong Un's dongseng coordinates her outfits for her...

3. [+132, -7] North Korea looks so countrified no matter what they wear... It's a wonder how they're living in the same century as us

4. [+47, -4] She's an '89er?? ㅋㅋㅋ Same age as Taeyeon and Jessica, even younger than G-Dragon. Daebak.

5. [+44, -3] How can she make those brands look so countrified... She looks like someone you'd see in our country 30 years ago.

6. [+34, -2] She makes those brand names look cheap. Such a chubby and short body too ㅋㅋ Instead of covering herself up in brands from head to toe, she should at least do her part as the first lady for the starving people of her country.

7. [+31, -3] They killed nine people to block her scandal? They seriously need to be dropped to the pits of hell... I hope the people unfairly executed will rest in peace.

8. [+18, -2] You damn pig, share that wealth with your country...
