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Article: [Dispatch GO] "We tried to do digital sajaegi... Did we manage to rank up a song?"

Dispatch via Naver

Dispatch investigated into the sajaegi issue by trying to raise the rank of a song ranked at 98th (Sook Hee's Bad Guy) using various speculated sajaegi methods. Their results are as follows:

1. Repeated downloads of the same song

Results: Impossible on 'Melon' because they did not let you purchase the same song more than once. They allow you to download a purchased song for free for a year after its purchase. The same goes for other sites like 'Bugs', 'Olleh', 'Soribada', and 'Mnet'.

2. Re-registering your user account

Results: Impossible on 'Melon' because one cellphone number can only register and re-register for a total of three times. 'Bugs' is set up so that one IP can only re-register up to four times. 'Olleh' is up to eight times with an error on the ninth. 'Soribada' has no restrictions and allows users to register fake e-mails, the catch being you can't download songs until you bought a coupon so it would require someone to spend a lot of money in order to sajaegi.

3. Gifting cash tickets to other accounts

Results: Impossible because there are restrictions on the number of gifts you can send, for example five gifts per ID.

4. Generating social security numbers to create multiple accounts

Results: Even if social security numbers are generated, you still need a valid phone number as an additional step in order to register. Even if a broker generated social security numbers, he'd still also need phone numbers.

5. Hack programs

Results: According to insiders, this is one of the easiest methods. There are records of accounts streaming one song over 10,000 times. This was included in the report submitted by SM, YG, and JYP.


1. [+279, -9] Why make it so complicated? Just hand over a wad of cash to Loen and problem solved ㅋㅋ

2. [+238, -10] Start by investigating Brave Brothers

3. [+139, -7] Dispatch's real results: We didn't find anything

4. [+112, -1] I don't know what Dispatch meant to get out of this because something like this is obviously going to be on a much larger scale than what the average person can experiment with at home. It's like the average person trying to rob a bank to experiment ㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+116, -5] Well the police are investigating into the issue already
