2 out of 3 women reveal they do not feel safe from sexual assault
Article: Two out of three women "feel nervous about being sexually assaulted"
Source: Yonhap News via Naver
1,000 19+ adults, 100 experts in the field of education and law, and 1,000 junior/high school students were surveyed on how safe they felt from sexual assault as females. Two out of three said they didn't feel safe because of the weak laws and sentences given to criminals.
1. [+1,225, -245] 2 out of 3 men also feel nervous about being accused of sexual assault by women (when innocent).
2. [+690, -75] Sigh... I'm a man myself and will purposely walk slowly when I see a woman walking in front of me at night... ㅜㅜ
3. [+600, -196] But I don't think there's a country with as great public peace as ours
4. [+478, -79] 10 out of 11 men feel nervous about being arrested for watching porn
5. [+561, -177] 2 out of 3 men are scared of being bitten by a kkot-baem
6. [+399, -97] How many countries do you think there are where women can walk around at midnight without a worry? I think it's the media that makes women scared of sexual assault than anything
7. [+412, -194] Put some clothes on, why are there so many girls obsessed with exposing skin?
8. [+192, -24] Don't forget that there are nice men out there....
Source: Nate
1. [+1,698, -74] So make the laws stronger!!!!!!
2. [+1,599, -67] As expected... The law always saves the criminals with light punishments and it's only the victim in the end who pays the price.
3. [+1,464, -112] As a father who has a two month old daughter... I'm already worried about the various violence that exists in our society towards our women.