Zimmerman found not guilty

Reader request.


Article: White man found not guilty after shooting black teen to death... 'racism' noise

Source: Yonhap News via Nate

1. [+653, -48] I have an English friend who's working as an English teacher here in Korea. He studied in Japan for a year and knows how to speak Japanese but still doesn't know how to speak Korean at all. I asked him why, especially since he's living in Korea now, and he said that he never felt the need to learn it. Koreans will use whatever English they know when speaking to him.

In Japan, however, the Japanese will respond using Japanese no matter what since it's their country and their language. They believe that foreigners won't be able to adjust to the country if they don't learn the language first. I think that we have a lot to learn from this because with the way we're catering to the Americans by speaking English to them instead of Korean, that is just making them feel superior. When we see foreigners, we shouldn't say 'Excuse me' but just talk in Korean.

2. [+345, -14] It's upsetting that we still live in an age where people are differentiated into categories of skin colors and one side feels superior for it. I hope this changes soon.

3. [+11, -4] I agree with the best replies. It's ridiculous how we have billboards in Japanese and Chinese for the tourists in Myungdong when Japan speaks to all of their tourists in Japanese. Koreans act like they've committed a crime when a foreigner asks them something and they don't understand. Hello, they're the ones in our country, why should we feel the need to cater to them? When a foreigner asks you something next time, don't avoid them and just speak confidently in Korean.

4. [+11, -4] Korea should be at the top when it comes to racism

5. [+11, -2] Coming from a country with a black president..

6. [+8, -0] Anyone who lives in America will know what I'm talking about... They act like they're not racist but they really are. Asians are the most discriminated against.



Article: Zimmerman found not guilty after murder of black teen...

Seoul News via Naver

1. [+426, -20] You can see how deeply rooted the idea of white superiority is when this is happening even with a black president

2. [+308, -16] Racism needs to be gotten rid of

3. [+272, -9] White people would totally get owned by black people if they didn't have guns

4. [+288, -31] Black people are just as American as white people are... They should stop thinking they're better than them otherwise China's going to overtake America not too far from now

5. [+244, -14] This is nothing... In Korea, you could shoot a guy who tried to beat you up with 10 other people AND rape your girlfriend and still be ruled guilty.

6. [+167, -6] How can this happen with a black president

7. [+161, -6] Seriously??? Not guilty when he shot a person dead????? Sigh
