SISTAR criticized for wearing white to Baek Ji Young's wedding

Article: Soyu attends as a guest at Baek Ji Young's wedding "Voluminous... but was it too much?"

Source: MBN TV via Nate

1. [+315, -31] You're not supposed to wear white for the bride at a wedding ㅡㅡ; And why did she emphasize her cleavage so much.... Did she not think at all

2. [+258, -37] She looks like a prostitute. Think before you do things like this.

3. [+245, -24] Doesn't matter if you're a flashy celebrity, this is a wedding and it's over the top.

4. [+35, -7] Wearing white to a wedding means you're a nuisance ;;;

5. [+34, -4] Why is SISTAR so dumb? What's the point of the bride wearing white then? The bride is the one who is supposed to stand out the most and yet guests like her are wearing sparkly white mini dresses that show off her cleavage;; Are you the one getting married to Jung Suk Won? Instead of managing your body, how about you do something about that empty brain of yours.

6. [+27, -2] It's okay, her ugly face tones the outfit down a bit

7. [+26, -4] How troublesome... Wearing a white one piece to a wedding where the bride is supposed to be the star of the show

8. [+22, -5] Does she think this is a competition to show off your boobs? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

9. [+19, -1] The absolute worst combination as a wedding guest: white + cleavage ㅋㅋ

10. [+18, -2] This is a wedding, not an awards ceremony. What a nuisance to the wedding.
